Bacopa Extracts
Certified Organic. Star-K Kosher
Suitable as: Dietary Supplement Topical Skin Hare Care
Bacopa Extract Powder Water Extracted & Water Soluble, #BAC30017
- Water Extracted, Water-Soluble, Easily Absorbed
- Pure Bacopa Bacoside Extract Powder
- Vacuum Wind Dried, NO high Heat Spray Drying
- NO Irradiation NO Sterilization
- No Additives, Fillers, or Other Ingredients
- Non-GMO, Vegetarian / Vegan, Non-Irradiated
- Harvested and Processed in India
Bacopa Extract Powder 45% - 50% Bacoside Total Ethanol Extracted, #BAC30089
- Ethanol Extracted
- Pure Bacopa Bacoside Extract Powder
- Vacuum Wind Dried, NO high Heat Spray Drying
- NO Irradiation NO Sterilization
- No Additives, Fillers, or Other Ingredients
- Non-GMO, Vegetarian / Vegan, Non-Irradiated
- Harvested and Processed in India
Available special Request:
Bacopa Extract Powder Paste
Bacopa Extract Powder 30% Bacoside Paste
Each batch of Bacopa Extract Paste and powder is 3rd-party laboratory tested in India. They are again 3rd-party laboratory tested in the USA before being released from the Materia Organica quarantine.
Lab results are provided in every CoA